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All-in-one solution: ProductFlow is the first platform that combines an Integrator with a PIM system, Basic WMS, Repricer and Dashboarding/Insights.

Koopblok winnen met de ProductFlow Repricer
ProductFlow Repricer

Win the buybox within 10 to 30 minutes and optimize your selling price.

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Offer your products easily and quickly on multiple marketplaces and/or webshops.

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PIM System

Efficient management of all your content on multiple sales channels.

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Basic WMS

Overcome logistical challenges as you scale your e-commerce business.

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Dashboarding & Insights

View and adjust all data from your sales channels in one dashboard.

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Click here to view all sales channels. You can easily and efficiently manage both webshops and marketplaces in ProductFlow.


Offer your assortment on marketplaces within a few clicks.Marketplaces in ProductFlow platform-1

View all marketplaces here.


Manage your webshops easily and quickly from ProductFlow.Webshops in ProductFlow platform-1

View all webshops here..

Shopware integration

Ultra modern Shopware features integrated into ProductFlow

About Shopware

The German company Shopware has more than 20 years of experience in the e-commerce world. With this experience, they have come up with many solutions for both B2B and B2C e-commerce companies. All experience is combined in the latest Shopware 6 platform, an API first open source platform with which you can create a webshop. Shopware's API-first design gives you complete flexibility over your webshop and you choose which programs you integrate with. You can host your webshop yourself or have it done in the Shopware cloud. In short, with Shopware you go for ultra-modern functionalities in a user-friendly environment. This naturally fits in well with ProductFlow and so we have fully integrated Shopware into the ProductFlow platform. You can read more on this page.

Shopware 6 integration

The Shopware 6 connection offers full support of options from ProductFlow, consisting of 'content', 'offers', 'orders', 'shipments' and 'notifications'.

Thanks to the content link, it is easy to add your product content in ProductFlow in Shopware. ProductFlow retrieves your Shopware data model per category. This allows you to see specifically per category which fields are required for Shopware. The Shopware connection supports the new family classifications within ProductFlow. This creates a parent item, with the actual items underneath.

The link also supports three types of fields that Shopware offers:
-    General fields: These are the standard Shopware fields, such as item number, EAN, title, description, images.
-    Properties (based on categories): These are characteristics of a product that can be used for variations (such as color and size) and filters.
-    Custom fields: Do the standard Shopware fields not offer sufficient options? It is then also possible to add new fields.

Thanks to the offer link, it is possible to easily launch products or take them offline again from the website. Do you activate the offering link? The product in question will then be put live on the website. When the offering is turned off again, the product will be placed offline.

In addition, the offering link supports all the options we are used to from ProductFlow:
-    Standard recommended retail price
-    Discount based on the difference between the 'base price' and 'sell price'
-    Discount based on ProductFlow's discount module

Thanks to the order link with ProductFlow, it is possible to enter orders from Shopware into ProductFlow.

Thanks to the shipment link, the 'shipment' of orders that have been shipped is reported back to Shopware. This allows an email to be sent from Shopware that the order has been shipped. It is also possible to link the Track & Trace back to Shopware. In this way, the T&T can be added in the email to the customer and shown when placing the order in the customer's account.

Is there an error somewhere? A notification will then be returned to ProductFlow with an explanation of what went wrong.

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Why choose this integration?

Shopware benefits

Because Shopware is open source, you can literally make it as crazy as you want to use it. However, it is not always good to 'use everything'. In this overview you will find a number of functionalities that we recommend.

Instagram link It is possible to link your Shopware webshop to your Instagram account. This way you sell your products where your customers look for inspiration and you convert faster.
Delivery time based on location It is possible that one of your products can be delivered faster to customer x than to customer y. In Shopware it is possible to automatically process this in your webshop. A visitor enters his zip code and immediately sees how long it will take to deliver the product to him/her.
Subscriptions and packages Letting your current customers spend more is of course always a good thing. The Shopware software offers you the option of offering products in subscription form or bundling products in packages (with a discount).
Reviews for your products Gain the trust of potential customers by adding reviews to your product pages. Because of these reviews, the customer knows what he/she is receiving and the product meets expectations more often.
Locations Do you sell products via a Shopware webshop, but do you also have a physical store? Then visitors to your webshop can easily find it in the store locator. Of course, this also includes the opening hours and a link to Google Maps for directions. In many cases, a physical store creates more confidence among web shop visitors.
No technical knowledge
With the Drag-and-Drop designs you can add elements to your Shopware webshop without having any technical knowledge. All complex codes are processed at the touch of a button!
Marketing features
Shopware websites generally score well in search engines. You can also apply other marketing methods in the platform; categorize customers based on shopping behavior, a web store savings system and more.
Get started quickly
Thanks to the convenience of Shopware and ProductFlow, you can get started in no time. Practical functionalities in an overview platform make this possible. No frills, just features that are useful to the ecommerce merchants.

Do you want to integrate Shopware with ProductFlow?

Please contact us via this form and one of our experts will get in touch with you as soon as possible!