Sell on Leen Bakker
Since October 2020 it is possible to offer your products on Leen Bakker. On this page you can read about the advantages of doing this via ProductFlow.
Largest home & living offer
As a large chain with no less than 170 furniture and interior design stores, Leen Bakker can no longer be missing from the streetscape. The company has existed for more than 100 years: it was founded in 1918. The Leen Bakker stores are known worldwide not only in the Netherlands, but also in Belgium and the Netherlands Antilles. Online they even have the largest selection of Home & Living in the whole of the Netherlands.
Selling on the Leen Bakker marketplace
You have probably also bought something from Leen Bakker yourself. But did you know that you can also sell your interior and furniture items via the Leen Bakker marketplace? Leen Bakker started as an online marketplace in October 2020. Selling via Leen Bakker also comes with some nice benefits. In this article we tell you more about this.
Selling via Leen Bakker: how exactly does that work?
Selling via Leen Bakker is easiest when you already have your own webshop. With the help of ProductFlow you can easily integrate your product range into the platform. Is your offer currently not yet online? That is not a problem either, we are happy to help you with this. Below are a few other things that are important to know if you want to start selling via Leen Bakker:
You pay commission per product sold
The Leen Bakker marketplace works more effectively with a French product description
Selling via Leen Bakker goes through your regular process
The marketplace is highly curated
Benefits of business sales via Leen Bakker with ProductFlow
Selling on Leen Bakker is very interesting. Via ProductFlow your products will also be online in no time! Read all the benefits here.
Every website visitor who views your offer via the Leen Bakker marketplace is therefore really interested in such products. This not only ensures a positive customer experience, it also increases your turnover.
With many well-known marketplaces, in addition to commissions per product sold, you determine a fixed amount per month or per year. That is not the case with Leen Bakker. In principle, you advertise completely free of charge. If you don't sell anything, you don't pay anything. If you are going to sell via Leen Bakker, you have little to lose. It is therefore definitely worth trying.
The Netherlands and Belgium are still becoming more mobile and digital. On the way in the train, people order that beautiful new footstool or that nice soft rug. For example, they show Leen Bakker's marketplace offer to family and friends via their telephone.
It is therefore ideal that Leen Bakker simply has a mobile application. This will certainly benefit the intended turnover of you as a seller. But not only that: you as a seller can also view the marketplace via the app. If you are going to sell via Leen Bakker, you will always have a clear overview of your own product range.
The best way to sell your products on Leen Bakker
Do you want to start selling via Leen Bakker? Good idea! The e-commerce branch of this furniture giant is becoming increasingly important and even accounts for around 20% of their total turnover. It is of course special to be part of it.
For example, if you sell furniture, we can imagine that you have a nice product range. So how do you efficiently get all these products on the Leen Bakker marketplace? ProductFlow can help with this. Our marketplace integrator is precisely tailored to the specific requirements of this marketplace. This way we make selling via Leen Bakker a lot easier and moreover more fun.